jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

My earliest memory

I'm sure that all of us have tried to go back in our memories until our earliest one.
A lot of times I have tried to remember my earliest memory, and I have always finished in the same memory. This memory is a bit fuzzy, but I can remember it well. 
It was the second September of 1997, and it was my first day in the nursery school and I was very excited.    My mum had said to me that, that day I would go to a place where a teacher would teach me a lot of things and where I would be able to play with other children. 
I remember that I was holding my mum's hand while we where walking on the street. Then we arrived to a fence, we crossed the fence and I saw a little park, it was the nursery school's playground. Then we knocked the nursery school's door, and two teachers opened the door with a big smile. While they were caressing my head, they asked my name "Who's this pretty boy?", "Roger" I answered returning the smile, but without leaving my mother's hand. 
Then I entered to the class. I can remember well the appearance of the class, there were a lot of small and colourful chairs, a long and colourful table and at the back of the class there was a bathroom. One of the teachers said me that if I wanted, I could play with some toys that were in a box. I looked to my mum, she nodded and kissed me. I sat down to play with the toys, and when I turned my mother wasn't there. I ask to the teacher "Where's my mum?" and she answered that she had just left, I started to cry and shout "mum!, mum!". Then I realized that I wasn't the only one who was crying, another boys and girls where crying and calling to their mums too. After that I can't remember anything more about that memory, only that when my mother came for me, she gave me some sweets to make me happy. 
Until that day, when somebody asked me about the school, I always answered "School pooh!".

Roger M. I.

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