lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

My ideal job

Nowadays we are hit by an economic crisis. This means that there is a very high level of unemployment, so people have a lot of problems to get a job. 
And these levels of unemployment don't hit only unqualified workers, it also hits qualified workers. Students that finishes their degree at university, usually has to leave to other countries to find a job, which means that it is very difficult to find a satisfactory job.
I hope that when I finish my degree, this crisis will be a thing of the past, and the world will be emerging of it.
I don't know what way I'm going to choose, but I've got one thing clear, I would really like to have a job that satisfies me. 
An economist, called Douglas Mc Gregor, said that there are two types of workers, the "X" workers, who don't like working and who prefer not having a post of responsibility, and the "Y" workers, who think that work is an activity that fulfill oneselves and who prefer occupying a post which involves a deal of responsibility. I'm a "Y" person, so I would like to occupy a post which involves a deal of responsibility. 
Because of my job, I would earn a high wage. I want to help the humanity too, so I would work for a responsible company with the environment and with people. And I would collaborate to make this world a better world to live.
Then when I acquire enough experience, I would set up my own company.
My working day wouldn't be tedious and monotonous. My job would motivate me, and this would make me feel happier, I would carry this happiness with me at home, so I would be happy with my family. 

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012


Martin Luther King was a fighter for the civil rights of African American people. He devoted all his life to helping people who needed it. 
He was against the violence, so his fight was through words and speeches. These are the best weapons to obtain something. 
In the course of his life, he did a lot of speeches, but the most famous; eloquent and powerful is, without doubts, the speech "I have a dream".
In this speech, Martin Luther King speaks about equality between white and black people. In his dream there was a world where people weren't judged by their colour, they were judged by the content of their souls.
I have read and listened to his speech some times, and I've been thinking about it.
I have a dream too, similar as Luther King's one. In my dream all of us are judged by our behaviour and, above all, by our acts. In my dream, people help each other in all they need, and all of us are equal in the eyes of the law, and equal in rights.
Unfortunately my dream, and Luther Kings’s one, are still dreams. 
It's true that Martin Luther King had achieved a lot of advances in equality, but nowadays we are still living in a world where prejudices are, for a big part of the society, more important than judgments, and where inequality rules in a lot of jobs and houses. Selfishness and avarice are dominating the society too, while in the third world are dying approximately 60000 humans because of the hunger; when we need only 50000 million of dollars once a year to solve this big problem; the Governments of the first world gave to the banking approximately 1 billion 350000 million dollars in the year 2009.
In this world we are living in, people is usually judged by the appearances, and, despite that in theory everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, into practise the law isn't the same for a rich man or woman than for a poor one. 
But if all of us have social conscience, and we act together, we can make this world a better world. And in this new world everyone will be happier.
I'm sure my dream, and Martin Luther King's one, will be true in the future, we have progressed a lot in equality, and slowly but untiringly we are building a better world. We still have a lot of work to do, but if all of us cooperate together we will achieve this better world.