domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Should English be the world language?

Communication has been an essential element in the society. Humans has developed different ways to express their feelings and opinions, and this has concluded in different languages. They are different, but all of them are important. Nowadays we're living in a global society and we need a world language, in my opinion English should be this world language.
Because of globalization, the commercial borders are disappearing, but language frontiers aren't disappearing as fast as commercial ones, that's why every day is more important a language that can be used in global terms. 

It's true that this language could be Chinese because it's the most spoken language, but it's too difficult to learn the language for a person that hasn't got this language as mother tongue. The second most spoken language is Spanish but in the countries that has this language as official aren't commercially as important as some countries that has English as official language. So I believe that English, the third most spoken language in the world, should be the world language.
A part of the importance of the language in the trade, English is easier to learn and speak than most of the other languages.

More over, travelling abroad is becoming more common between people in the first world, and this travellers need to communicate with the natives of the country, that's another reason to have the world language.
In conclusion, although English isn't my mother tongue, I believe that it should be the world language because it's easy to learn, there are a lot of people that speak this language and it has got an important weight in the trade. But we must not lose our own languages, each language is important, they're culture and usually they help to define and identify us.  

This appendix shows the most spoken languages in the world.