sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

The first day at secondary school

I’ll never forget my first day at secondary school. I was still eleven, so the majority of my partners were older than me.
Although I wanted to go to IES Miramar, I was assigned to IES Mestres. My friends had said that in that school were conflicting people and that the level was very low.
I spent all the summer holidays worried about my future, I thought that I wouldn’t survive in that conditions.
The seventeenth of September of 2007 arrived, and with it, arrived the first day at secondary school. I was absolutely terrified. I didn’t know what kind of people would be in my class, I only knew three friends that had been with me at primary school.
When I arrived at school I could see that I wasn’t the only one that was frightened, all of my partners were nervous too.
I felt alone at class because I didn’t know anyone.
That day we left school earlier because it was only an introduction class, and then I commented with my old partners our feelings. All of us were worried about our future, but we were more relaxed.
Although my beginnings were difficult, I’ve made great friends in that school and I’ve lived some of the best years of my life there.